Thank you for considering becoming a host home! This is the first step in making a real difference in the life of a young person in crisis. The following is a list of steps in the process.
The first step will be filling out an application form.
Minimum qualifications:
- Must be at least 21 years of age.
- Have the ability to pass an extensive criminal history check.
- Be able to financially, emotionally and physically support your household.
- Maintain healthy boundaries, while being non-judgmental and objective.
Reference Checks
You will be asked to submit 4 references with their complete name, address and contact information. We will be asking your reference to complete a brief survey about your ability to work with youth. Three of the four we ask not to be family.
Home Study
This is an interview that takes place in the potential shelter parent’s home. The case worker will utilize a lengthy questionnaire in order to learn more about you and to be able to refer youth that are appropriate for your care.
Safety Inspection
This is completed at the same time the Home Study takes place. The home will be reviewed to assure it meets the state’s standers for care.
Memorandum of Understanding
An agreement between shelter homes and Cascade Youth & Family Center stating what is expected of each party.
Criminal Record Check
All parties over the age of 18 living in the home will need to complete a criminal background check and child abuse registry. If each person has lived in Oregon for the last 5 years and has no arrest history, this is all that is required. Otherwise, the person will need to submit fingerprints for processing.
Orientation Session/ Training
16 hours of training will be required before a youth is placed in the host home. The host home will have successfully complete the steps above and attended one of Cascade Youth & Family Center’s Core volunteer trainings. Topics that will be discussed; Overview of all CYFC programs, Polices & Procedures for Shelter Homes, and The History of Runaway & Homeless Youth Services. Along with Core Training the Shelter Homes will be invited to Quarterly Trainings, topics include: emotional interviewing, recognizing and responding to traffic youth, mediation and teen dating violence. Annually it will be required for all Cascade Youth & Family staff, volunteers, and shelter homes to attend Cultural Competency and CPI training.
CPI Training
This insightful training is provided by Cascade Youth & Family Center staff. By the end of the day you will be able to recognize a youth in crisis and how to respond to effectively. You will be given the tools to avoid power struggles, de-escalate stressful situations as well as how to maintain healthy boundaries with the youths placed in your home.
First Aid / CPR Certification
If you are currently certified in CPR / First Aid a copy of your card will need to be provided so that it may be photocopied and placed in your file. If you are not certified please contact Cascade Youth & Family Center staff for upcoming trainings on-site and in the community.
Additional trainings include trauma informed care, substance use education, understanding mental health, suicide prevention and education, supporting LGBTQ+ youth, attachment and building healthy relationships, and more!